Language courses that meet your needs.

  • Participating in a good course is a highly effective and recommended way of learning a language.
  • Learning English can be interesting and fun.
  • It is possible to use different strategies that are far more effective than ones you have used before.
  • There are effective ways to decrease any English-speaking inhibition.
  • It is possible to learn/improve your English even if you had little success in English at school.
  • You can learn/improve your English in a way that suits your budget and lifestyle.

Great reasons to improve your English

  • Most used language in: business, technology, media, science, medicine, politics, popular culture (ie. music, songs, films, books etc)
  • Official language in 53 countries across the world /li>
  • Increases number of trading partners
  • Greater employment opportunities
  • Increases money-earning power
  • Improves chances of promotion
  • Increases chances of international employment
  • Important in CV
  • Expands communication skills
  • Useful and important for private or business trips
  • Gives greater insight into other cultures
  • Excellent for brain-training

I offer the following English language courses!


Details for booking my English language courses

Minimum course bookings

Courses can be booked for
a minimum of 3 months.

Length of courses

Courses can run from three months –
to many years, according to the needs
and wishes of the customer.

Course times

Courses can be booked from 8.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. At special request, they can
also be booked on Saturdays
from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.

Recommended training frequency

90 minutes / 2x45 minutes is the
recommended minimum per week.

A special offer for companies!

For companies I offer the EMTEC Five-Point-Plan . This plan offers that little bit extra to create a focused inhouse English-learning strategy.

E English Training >
M Movie Nights >
T Talk the Talk >
E English Hub >
C Certificates >